SEO : Expectations vs Reality

Seo: Expectations vs. Reality

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an ongoing marketing tactic which is used by people to boost their web page’s position in Google’s ranking. Why people interested in SEO? Because this tactic helps in generating more traffic, more leads, and growing revenue organically without investments. Everyone should know that SEO does not solely encompass chasing high ranks on Google search engine results page but ultimately increases your revenue. Many business owners expect to see quick positive returns through SEO, however in reality SEO is time taking process to produce results. SEO requires sustained effort to make your website to rank and has many checklists in its process. We, TWOARK Business Solutions are here to explain about misconceptions people have about SEO. 5 Most common SEO myths to debunk in your minds.

SEO Expectations #1 Overnight Incredible Results

Most common expectation many clients have as they think just by adding keywords to the site, we can rank our website the next day. Because they are bombarded by ads and email saying” We get your business rank #1 on Google in a Week! Hurry up and sign in” or some ads similar saying it is easy to do SEO than social media. But you should be VERY cautious to not fall for these kinds of tricks. 

But Reality

SEO takes a lot of observation and data collection to rank on SERP. To rank on Google through SEO optimization technique it takes about four to twelve months depending on the competitiveness of your industry and the popularity of your keyword using to rank for. SEO is like deep you need to wait patiently and work hard daily to catch fishes in the sea. Overnight results can’t be achieved through SEO techniques. 

SEO Expectations #2 Internal links are pointless

Clients always have a weird face when we explain about internal links. They feel focusing on interlinks is a waste of time. Whenever I explain about internal links the most common reply, I get from my clients why do you bother about internal links?? We need to focus on the external backlink. Clients always have a thought that Internal links are pointless and waste of resources in the SEO process.

But Reality

Low-quality link is an outdated strategy in SEO techniques. You must know that low quality internal links are kind of meaningless result for your business. Internal links help the Google search engine crawlers to understand your content and help you to rank your content to the users when they search with a related keyword. How the search engine finds the internal links on your website? Google does this by looking at the anchoring text which you used in the content.

SEO Expectations #3 My Website should be packed full of Keywords

We all know keywords are the main ingredient in SEO. Clients always think that for their every service/ product they should rank for all the keywords matching. They just need all the keywords to be stuffed on their site so that they can rank easily on SERP results.

But Reality

Keyword stuffing is an outdated technique which leads to worse ranking in Google today because Google constantly changing the algorithms according to ensure that users receive good and quality content. Stuffing keywords in content is a risk because when Google crawls your content and check if the keyword density is high then it might think it is a spam post.

Keyword Density = (Number of words in content) / (Number of times keyword appears in content) 

On your website don’t pack your content fully with Keyword, its always good to give to keep keyword density to around 1-3%. Use SEMrush for ranking highly keywords, and analyse the ranking of keywords which you use.

SEO Expectations #4 I Don’t Need Domain Authority

When I tell clients about adding domain authority to build an SEO campaign, I always get raised eyebrows reaction from them. They think SEO is simple and it’s not worth to add too many factors to rank on Google SERP.

But Reality

Domain Authority helps in rating the overall profile backlinks value. On an Algorithm scale domain, the authority should lie between 1 to 100 and if your domain authority drops then you’re beginning to lose high -quality links on your site. Backlinks are always helpful to us because usually, this happens when a user read a blog and find it useful then he puts on the link and tries to find you on the internet. High authority backlinks are a good way to boost your domain authority because people pay for you to post their links on your site to spread link juice. 

SEO Expectations #5 SEO is a One Stop-Process

Some people think that just pay an expert for their SEO services for 6 months and leave this process when appears on the first page. Clients always have this thought “SEO is just a one-stop process I am not ready to renew it.”

But Reality

SEO is not a one-time investment it is a long-term investment for your business to see an uptick in traffic for your site. There should be continuous monitoring of optimization should be done and building of authority should be done using white hat methods. Have an idea of investing in SEO as a long-run process because there are chances for dropping in the ranking of the website due to algorithms or poor backlinks.

Let us have a Summary about expectations and reality on SEO

SEO is an amazing long term successfully running technique to help your business to grow. SEO is a long term investment which you need to work on. Digital Marketing has a burning passion to grow your business and people to get traffic organically. But if you are interested in SEO technique you should learn patience to see your website on Google SERP results. We at, TWO ARK BUSINESS SOLUTIONS the best digital marketing company in Chennai are interested in growing your business using SEO and power of Digital Marketing.

8 thoughts on “SEO : Expectations vs Reality

  1. Social Media Marketing says:

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  3. SEO Auckland says:

    These are some great seo expectations vs reality that you have discussed here. I really loved it and thank you very much for sharing this with us. You have a great visualization and you have really presented this content in a really good manner.

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