10 Undeniable Reasons People Hate Website design

10 Undeniable Reasons People Hate Website design

Having a website for your organization accomplish an abundance of benefits, increases awareness about you on all social media platform, elevates your brand presence everywhere. You might always doubt that your website traffic counts are jumping higher every day! But you still aren’t making money. This could be due to improper website design for your business. There are chances for making easily-solvable blunder mistakes on your site which damages the trust in between the users or reduces the engagement on the site. Hire TWO ARK BUSINESS SOLUTIONS  the best web designing company in Chennai is here to build a trustworthy website to grow your brand. Let’s go through the hate list on website design.

#1 Unclear Call To Action buttons

Everyone knows the purpose of using the Call To Action button on the website but if you give too many options, this could lead to the least desired action and makes your users leave your site altogether. Always have a main call to action button on your website: do one thing at a time which increases your user’s attention on your site. Decide on one or two easily call to action button and allow the design to focus on obtaining those desire result on the site. Keep things simple and determine the hierarchy of importance.

#2 Hard-To-Read fonts

A website tells us the meaning of your brand, but if the font is completely unreadable people won’t stick around your website. There are many fonts with high personality and readability. Using headers on the website offer a chance to stick upon your website for the simple body content and readability.

#3 Bad stock Images & Photography

The first impression you get to make on new visitors lands on your site using the connection between the images and how it relates to the content. If the images are not relevant which may case results the user to leave yours by site baffled. The solution to this problem to use professional photography and good stock images to reinforce your brand and message. Let me help you for picking out a good stock: Shutterstock here you can able to collect stock images and vectors with bright and vibrant solid backgrounds.

#4 Unclear Hierarchy 

The simple most important rule for proper website design is to set a hierarchy. Hierarchy is nothing but a simple framework of what is being designed on your site. When you build a strong hierarchy it will be easier to implement and able to get desire solutions. The hierarchy includes headers, images, text add with providing proper white space on the site. Give your visitors the visual key they need to absorb your content and spend time on the site.

#5 Improper Design 

Generally, many people use all the options which drag people attention but sometimes, it can lead confusion for users, yet it’s still happening on so many websites. Consistency is key when it comes to designing a website because ultimately websites speak about your brands. There are a few design elements that should always remain consistent on your site

*Header text in the content

*Proper color palettes

*Alert icons and messages on site

*Clear Typography

#6 Non Responsive Website

A website should be responsive and able to open up on all the smart gadgets which people are using. No one waits for your site to get pull on their phone for a longer time to get information from you. The big process of building a website is that it must be a mobile responsive and have to resize according to the browser to read the content and view images. A responsive website doesn’t depend upon the only back end process it depends on the front end design and proper placements.

#7 Generic icons

An icon should be simple and need to translate the complexities of text into an icon. The question which you need to ask yourself is” are my icons intensifying the user experience or it is failing to meet it?”.The universal language that conveys messages to the audience is Share icon, unspoken rule that interacts in which the user on your site can share the links or articles from you.

#8 Distracting Carousels

Poor carousels allow for multiple images or videos to rotate automatically on your site which endless debate upon the sources. Negative implications include users not having enough time to read auto-rotated content. The best option is to place the carousel lower down the page instead of using the auto-rotate option. 

#9 Congestion and lack of white space

Fear, not the white space! our brains need time to process the content and the images you’re putting in front of them on your website. Bombarding your visitors with all the most important value providing pieces to them. Don’t try to fill every single pixel of website space.

#10 Websites aren’t accessible

There’s a lot of good websites which stands out as a great design and when it is not accessible then it disappoints the users and limits the traffic to the site. People disregard the concept that goes without people. The most significant visual component of accessibility is to make sure using enough color contrast.

Now that you’ve gotten through the things that make people hate on seeing on the website and it’s time to do the exact opposite and increase the traffic on your site. We Two Ark Business Solutions the best web designing company in Chennai is here to guide you and build your website well and impress your visitors.

2 thoughts on “10 Undeniable Reasons People Hate Website design

  1. John says:

    Great Post !
    I have just read this valuable article. It helps me alot . Thanks for posting great article . Keep it up good works.

    • admin says:

      John, so glad you liked this article and I am happy that it helped you. Thanks for the valuable comment it just motivates me to write more blogs.

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