5 Best Practices For Responsive Website

5 Best practices for Responsive Website

Responsive websites are websites which fits to all screen sizes and resolutions. This responsive website has become the preferred method for developing websites with a multi-device friendly approach. A Responsive Website is equal part development and design effort. The audience knows a good website when they see one, and just as important, they know when a website is bad because it leaves them frustrated and confused. Here are some important factors when it comes to the best web design best practices that you should practice for your site.

Best Practice #1 Optimise Image 

Massive images and videos are often slow down site speed and increase the bounce rate, especially on mobile devices. Always upload the icons and illustrations in the right file format like Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). Image assets will rarely lose their quality if they are not scaled up or down. Use compression tools before you upload images on your website.

Best Practice #2 Powerful CTA buttons

The online audience should be able to get what they want on your site with perfect CTAs. This is because you can lose an eventual audience if it takes several seconds to discover the information which they want. The TWO ARK’s best digital marketing team helps you to integrate strong CTA buttons and other elements on your Website. Always try to focus on personalization and minimize clutter near the CTA buttons on the website.

Best Practice #3 Mobile-First Approach

Google’s first and fundamental aspect to check on a website is mobile responsiveness. Mobile responsive web design is an approach that is widely implemented and enables the web pages to render well across various mobile devices that have different screen sizes and resolutions. Taking this approach will enable your site to display accurately regardless of your browser.

Best practice #4 Chat Bots

Recently Chatbots have been improving over the years and integrated into social media platforms for best customer service. These chatbots are helping to tackle the common problems faced by the audience in a cost-effective way. Chatbots can work round the clock and can multitask according to your core of a great UX by gathering data a long way.

Best practice #5 Maximise Device Hardware

Hardware potentials differ between the devices. Relying on the device hardware for UX will eliminate the need to type when logging in or getting important information on your webpage. It’s imperative to optimize SEO as you adopt as best practice for responsive web design designs.

Best practice #6 Show, don’t tell

Visuals not only help you break up the written content, but they can also provide a deeper explanation without the use of any text. Always use paragraph breaks in your content to keep the homepage paragraph to a few sentences. Eliminating unnecessary text on your pages reduces clutter and emphasize your call-to-action. Call to Action should not be buried and make it stand out as the action your visitors should take next.

Best practice #7 Address Cache Issues & Evaluate Plugins

If you probably understand why keeping your cache clean can undoubtedly increase your website. You can use a cache purge to optimize your site. Most plugins work efficiently without weighing down your server but this often depends on the traffic you have on your web server. Ensure always your plugins run effectively all of the time so that you do not have to share your connection with anyone else.


Saying that the design of a website is important would be an understatement for everyone. Your web design choices will ultimately impact the audience who visit your site. Everyone’s website can be improved and don’t get overwhelmed it doesn’t matter if your website is brand new or if it’s been around for decades. Do you prefer to speak to someone? No problem, schedule a time to chat with our staff regarding your queries. We TWO ARK Solutions the best digital marketing company is here to make your process simple, fast, innovative and aesthetically pleasing design.

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