SEO Best Practices To Follow In 2020

5 SEO Best Practices to follow in 2020

The groundwork for increasing the traffic starts from SEO because of its visibility in search organically. Once you have done with your groundwork you need to move to the advanced link building by backlinks or content and keyword research. In this article, we TWO ARK best web designing company in Chennai going to share 5 SEO best practices to follow in 2020.

Practice #1 Match your content with search intent

Search intent is nothing but user intent which includes user’s search query on google about your product or service. Pages that rank on the top of the SERP page will pass on this search intent. These top search results can be blog posts or videos or e-Commerce pages which got ranked by the SEO process. Well, how this User search intent look like??

#1 Informational: People who fall under the category in looking about the information of product/service. It can be a simple search like “what’s the trending news today?”. Results are shown by the basic best SEO strategies that require a more-in-dept of explanation with keywords.

#2 Navigational: Here people just search for a specific website or app. Eg: “Gmail login or Facebook login”

#3 Commercial: The intent behind this search is the user looking for a specific product/service but hasn’t made the final decision yet regarding it. Eg: “best online courses”

#4 Transactional: Here the user motive is to buy and the searcher has already made up his mind to buy a specific product/service. Eg:” Buy Macbook Air or Buy iPhone”.

You always need to focus on the keywords to realize that the search intent for users.

Practice #2 Write a concise Title Tag and Meta Description

Title tags are clickable headlines that appear in search results with an SEO perceptive. We all know tiles have a quick insight into user content and result to click on. Google displays the first 50-60 characters of title and displays your page. Always include your target keyword with descriptive but concise and avoid creating duplicate title tags.

What about Meta Descriptions?

Meta description displays a brief summary of a page below the title tag which can influence click-through rates. Google allows meta descriptions to 155-160 characters, where you can include your target keyword. Always use an action-oriented copy with an accurate summary.

Practice #3 Optimize Your Page Speed

If your website has poor loading speed then you are going to have a lot of frustrated users, and y our ranking will drop and increases bounce rate. Before you start optimizing your page make sure you do a site audit and fix all the performance issues with your site. You can use SEMrush and it’s a free tool that provides insights on your page speed and gives recommendations to improve your load time.

Practise #4 Boost the user experience on your website

Google keeps a close eye on how users behave with your content and the functionalities that you have included on your site. Let me share with you a few tips to boost the user experience on your site.

#1 Have a proper subheading (H1, H2, H3) to help Google understand better content.

#2 Build your content visually appealing to the user intent.

#3 Use white space and avoid intrusive popups to grab user attention.

Practise #5 Focus on Authoritative Backlinks for site

Google still considers content and backlinks to be a key ranking signal. Google search algorithms are created to focus on providing valuable information for users. Some backlinks are created to boost specific search queries and increases your chance of ranking higher in search results. If you are looking for building authority backlinks you can also replicate your competitor’s link building strategies.

SEO best practices outlined above are a great starting point for you to achieve higher search results on the SERP results. SEO techniques always stay ahead of the game in digital marketing. We at, TWOARK BUSINESS SOLUTION is here to help your business grow through SEO techniques.

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