14 Misconceptions about Website Design

14 Misconceptions about Website Design

A Web designer’s job isn’t as easy as you think. A lot of time, research, creative is required in building a website with the right graphics. As a web designing company, TWO ARK BUSINESS SOLUTIONS we’ve identified some myths and misconceptions about website designing among people all over the world. Let me share you few misconceptions what you everyone thinks about website.

#1  If you make it, they’ll come

Every business people have a mentality that when launched a new website I get more traffic. Clients often think that website as the endgame for their business when they are unable to build their brand reputation but in reality, it’s just the beginning to the digital world. We believe that the website serves as an online address and also act as a hub of your marketing. It’s not bad that you have you no visit to your site just optimize the site so that Google can find it easily.

#2 It’s so easy, everybody can do it

Well, there are several websites that which offers you pre-loaded templates to build the site along with few plugins. You think it takes a few hours to build the site but websites talk about your brand. If you’re looking for a bespoke website to talk about your brand to people, you need to hire a web designer to do the job.

#3 Website building is an easy job

We people think to build a website happens overnight. A website can go wrong at any point in time if you don’t do proper research, creative with the graphics for the website. The wrong font or color has reduced the effectiveness of websites.

#4 Looks same in all browsers

You think this is a simple task to make your site look same on all the browsers, but it’s not true. Every browser renders code differs slightly and developers have to code for each version of a particular browser while developing. Developers will develop the code in a way that is compatible with all the modern browsers so that you can able to make your website look the same on each version of the browser.

#5 Logo Design

The logo is important for a brand but it shouldn’t dominate the elements on the website. Website is an online address for your brand not a self-promotional scream about your brand logo. You may think bigger the logo size will help to grow your business but sometimes that’s a huge turnoff for customers.

#6 Over white space usage

Filling up the white space is not recommended because we need to give a visual break to the eyes and not make your visitors feel overwhelmed with content. Don’t make your website to look so busy which may lead the audience to leave your website because of it.

#7 Above the Fold

We have come across about this misconception that people will not scroll down quickly. But this is not true people will scroll down on the website to check about the information which they need. Some people urge the developers to create the website by placing the important information and the call to action button above the fold to make them notice. However, that doesn’t mean that users won’t scroll the rest of the content, but users will do when you provide them valuable content to acquire knowledge. 

#8 Let me copy my competitors’ text

No one like or want to be a copycat in any field. Always create a unique and value providing content that speaks about your vision and mission so that you can able to speak to your target audience, not to someone else. Try to highlight your business uniqueness on your content and your audience will like it.

#9 Using Stock images

Using bad stock images which looks cheesy and hawking to your website which may feel a little bored to the audience. Use real photography images on your website if you have a product-based business. Now, we’re not saying that all the stock photos are bad -just we are suggesting you use photography images so that the customers can have an idea about your website.

#10 Let me grab an images form Google

A big NO! for this move please stop right there guys. There is a law about photos and google images search that those photos have copyright law and it can’t be loaded on sensible websites. If you still use the images and when the bot finds the copyrighted photo, then you need to pay a huge fine for the problem which you have created.

#11 How long can I have my website?

Google introduces updates every year to make the website to reach to everyone. You can redesign your website  after 2-3 years minimum. A redesign can be done by changing content, images, etc. As old your website will increase Domain value on google. 

#12 Do I need my contact info on the contact page?

Obviously Yes! You should need to fill the mandatory information like a phone number, e-mail id and physical address so that it helps users to contact you when they required. Don’t make users go on a hunt to find details about your business. If you are not interested to add a separate contact page on your website, you can then add the details at the bottom footer.

#13 Is Everything in my site should be bold?

Highlight only the important text that your users want to know about you. Stand out-Key services, Call-to-actions and why to get you points in a bold highlighted font. Then nothing stands out! If you follow this on your site.

#14 Super Cool flash intro

Interested in introducing your brand with awesome animation? Yes, you can do it. But make sure it won’t affect your loading page. The search engine also doesn’t crawl and index Flash content and you know what happens when google unable to crawl? It affects your ranking and makes your sit not to reach the users organically.

We hope that you can get valuable information from us regarding the misconceptions in web design. Still, you are struggling a way to find how to build a new website or to redesign a new website hire web developers from TWO ARK BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, the best web designing company in Chennai to ensure a well-trained professional web developer’s to build a website so you both enjoy a smooth process. 

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