Does Your Website Redesign Pass The Test ? 5 Things You Can Improve On Today

Does Your Website Redesign Pass The Test? 5 Things You Can Improve On Today

Website design deals with users who view and re-engage with it, and if planning to redesign you should focus on their interactions with your website. Website owners usually have a lot of research to get their websites in the view of Google’s eyes. Before starting the redesign, you have the check all the signs that indicated your website needs a redesign ahead of the pack in terms of user experience. Mobile searched outnumbered the searches than desktop searches which means that it’s in Google’s best interest it’s search result who had a proper mobile responsive website. We at, TWO ARK BUSINESS SOLUTIONS the best web designing company in Chennai is here to play a major role in designing and redesigning your website according to your needs. Now, let us look upon the 5 things you can improve to make your website to pass the redesigning test.

#1-Minimize the HTTP Request

80% of a web page’s loading time is spent at different sections like images, content and other additional features on your site. While loading this an HTTP request access is made for each of these elements which makes the page to render a longer time. Minimizing the HTTP request is the first step to figure out how your website is working on. Website owners are you wondering how to check it let me guide you. Right-click on any page in the website and click Inspect and then click Network tab (if you are unable to find out the network tab just drag the toolbar you can find it). Now you can able to see the Name column and Size column and the Time taken to load each file on your site. Most importantly you can see on the bottom left corner the number of requests the site makes when loading.

#2-Reduce the Server Response time

When your page starts to loads the DNS (Domain Name System)lookup takes a lot amount of time when loading the page. DNS is a server with a database of IP addresses along with respective hostname. Let me explain to you how it works internally. When any user types a URL in their browser, a DNS server translates the URL into an IP address with the online location from where you logged in. Then the DNS process a specific function to find the specific DNS record. The loading time depends upon how fast your DNS provider you have for your website.

Does Your Website Redesign Pass The Test ? 5 Things You Can Improve On Today 1

#3-Enable Browser Cache

These elements on your page stores the hard drive in a cache on your website. This means when a user visits next time to your site, your browser will load the page without sending an HTTP request to the server. Once the page has been loaded your website stores the user’s catchy of all the subsequent visitors. But when enabling browser caching, cached version of your site it will load faster.

#4-Call to Action Colors

Always have a complementary Call To Action button color so that you can make your users click on in your site. These CTA buttons make sense when your visitors perform the respective action which you mentioned in the site. Before redesigning your website evaluate every button you create in your site. CTA is the button where then users speak with you.

#5-Mobile-Friendly Navigation

In earlier day mobile navigation site use to be a “Should have” but now it is “must-have” when users are outbreaking more on mobile usage. You should always need a good experiencing landing page on your website. If your website has many tiny links then it makes your website hard to navigate and reduces loading speed. Make sure you always have a mobile responsive website because google always updates mobile search ranking algorithm.

Conclusion on the website redesign

Your website is the first impression of your business because It is like inviting people over for dinner at your house. You always try to feed them with proper food like the same server your website with a value proposition along with proper CTA on your page. If you’re looking out for a developer to build a website to impress your user ae at, TWO ARK BUSINESS SOLUTION is here to bring your website online.

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