SEO Vs Social Media Marketing Great 2020 5 SmackDowns

SEO Vs Social Media Marketing Great 2020 5 SmackDowns

SEO and Social Media marketing are considered to be the pillar of digital marketing but one thing you should remember that both are inbound marketing. How are they different? What makes them different? Which one is better for my business?

SEO and Social media both techniques are going to promote articles in the content through inbound channels. But they are very different from each other by the process and results. 

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We TWOARK Business Solutions, the best web designing Company in Chennai are here to discuss the big picture of SEO Vs Social Media Marketing 2020.

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We all know what is SEO and Social Media Marketing but let me give you a quick recap about them. Search Engine Marketing is all about being discovered and getting traffic through search engines organically by using two great techniques called On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO . SEO always fills the top of the funnel and create awareness to users. Social Media Marketing is all about connecting, building relationships with users, and getting traffic through social media. Social Media always fills the middle of the funnel and create engagement with the users. Now here’s the great 5 smackdown between the SEO and Social Media.

SmackDown #1 Audience and Intent

SEO: In SEO we all know a lot about what they are thinking, but we are not sure about who they are. Here users from search are more likely to buy the product/service, but less likely to share or interact with your content.

SMO: In SMO we all know a lot about who these people are, but we are not sure about what they are thinking. Here users are cruising through social media by simply clicking around and browsing. Social media influences the people so we can see more share or interact with your content.

SmackDown #2 Speed: When results can be seen?

SEO: SEO is typically slow and uncertain because a lot of time and proper techniques should be used for getting your website index and rank. Overnight results can not be expected in SEO.

SMO: SMO here following your page may take time but when you have a viral or good content posts results can happen within minutes.

SmackDown #3 Durability: How long I can see the success will last?

SEO: Once the page gets ranked you will be getting a passive source of income of visitors and when you have a unique content high rankings may endure for weeks or months.

SMO: Post start to get visibility, like, and share within the minute you post. Here response will be quick but requires a continuous on-going effort.

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SmackDown #4 Topics which works

SEO: Researched based and detailed content works great. Evergreen topics with instructional posts, articles that cover answers common questions because this style of topics often do well in search engine because those are the keywords users are searching on the search engine.

SMO: Trending topics works great. You can give emotions like anxiety, awe, anger through your posts to drive traffic.

SmackDown #5 How to measure success? 

SEO: It is always easy to measure the reach but difficult in measuring the engagement because the report shows the keywords, impressions, and clicks. In SEO it’s easy to check on the ranking for each phrase or keywords that you are ranking for but harder to decide which keywords perform the best among them.

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SMO: It’s easy to measure the followers, likes, share, and comments but difficult to calculate the reach. There are many platforms available to get social media report but you may not get accurate results. There will be always flickering in the results.

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After seeing all this now you might have got little idea of how both techniques work. Optimization is the only click skill that every digital marketer needs to improve results in any social media platform. If you are looking for such changes in your business, Contact our digital marketing team who are always ready to help you at any time.

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